Public announcement
The “Guarantors of EQIPD” officially announced their launch with a public press release. The society is registered since December 2021 and became fully operational now.
The “Guarantors of EQIPD” officially announced their launch with a public press release. The society is registered since December 2021 and became fully operational now.
Our book on quality in preclinical research, including many articles from authors within the EQIPD consortium, has just been published: Bespalov A, Michel MC, Steckler T (eds) Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology – Good Research Practice in Non-Clinical Pharmacology and Biomedicine, Springer Open, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-030-33655-4, eBook ISBN 978-3-030-33656-1 (2020). Access the book HERE.
The Research Transparency Tool was developed by the EQIPD Consortium Taskforce and implemented online with support from a SBIR award from the NIH: The tool creates a “snapshot” of the environment in which research is conducted and is meant to help funders and applicants align on relevant quality expectations. More information in the EQIPD…
The Guarantors of EQIPD (GoEQIPD) is a not-for-profit society established to oversee the implementation of the EQIPD Quality System (QS). We are seeking proposals from organisations who wish to work with us in providing mentoring and accreditation to laboratories wishing to meet EQIPD QS standards. Read about the EQIPD QS in our eLife publication Read…
Members of the EQIPD consortium have identified and published 5 Domains for increasing rigour in animal experiments. The 5 Domains are published in Nature Methods and very well supplement the concept of the EQIPD quality system. Read about the EQIPD QS in our eLife publication The domains are summarised below and a more detailed overview…
Check out the updates on the outcome of the Alzheimer systematic review, the EQIPD brainstorming session at ECNP, and more in the newest version of our newsletter! Read the Newsletter here.
The first Newsletter by the EQIPD consortium can be found HERE.