EQIPD E-Learning

created by the EQIPD consortium


Best research practice is fundamental to achieve reproducible results. In our experience, here is currently still a lack in many curriculums.


We have developed the EQIPD E-learning course “The principles of rigour and robustness in animal experiments” to provide training to researchers world-wide.

What is in the E-Learning tool?

In total, 71 training materials are included in the course, 10% of which were created de novo by the EQIPD consortium members to fill gaps in the existing resources. The duration of the individual materials is variable, from ~5 minutes to 1.5 hours, but a balanced combination is offered in each module. Each module contains 1 to 14 materials (median 5 materials) and should take participants between 1 and 6 hours to complete. All materials are online, open access, in English and suitable for researchers from both academia and industry.

It consists of the modules:

  1. Scientific integrity
  2. Systematic review and meta-analysis
  3. Experimental design
  4. Validity
  5. Data handling
  6. Data analysis and statistics
  7. Transparent reporting
  8. Ethics and animal welfare
  9. Academia – industry collaborations
  10. The EQIPD quality system