EQIPD Newsletter 3 – Spring 2019
Check out the updates on the outcome of the Alzheimer systematic review, the EQIPD brainstorming session at ECNP, and more in the newest version of our newsletter!
Check out the updates on the outcome of the Alzheimer systematic review, the EQIPD brainstorming session at ECNP, and more in the newest version of our newsletter!
The EQIPD project was presented at the PreNeuroscience 2018 Seminar and Networking event that took place on 2 November 2018 inconjunction with the Society for Neuroscience’s (SfN) annual meeting in San Diego, California, USA, to create awareness in the USA as well – Download our 2nd newsletter to see more updates and news! Read the…
In the newest edition of the newsletter, find out more about the highlights of the EQIPD General Assembly meeting, the new project collaborations, CAMARADES winning the BNA’s ‘Credibility Prize’ and details on the 34th ECNP congress. Read the Newsletter here.
EQIPD and our efforts to ” Unclog pipeline for new medicines” is mentioned in form of a brief article in NATURE CORRESPONDENCE. Click here to get to the article!
The “Guarantors of EQIPD” officially announced their launch with a public press release. The society is registered since December 2021 and became fully operational now. Read the press release here.
Members of the EQIPD consortium have identified and published 5 Domains for increasing rigour in animal experiments. The 5 Domains are published in Nature Methods and very well supplement the concept of the EQIPD quality system. Read about the EQIPD QS in our eLife publication The domains are summarised below and a more detailed overview…
On October 10, 2022, #EQIPD will lead a discussion on how to help funders and grant applicants align on research rigor expectations and avoid funding of research of unknown quality. Objectives of the meeting are to: Review lessons learned from the US and German publicly funded programs that focused directly or indirectly on decision-enabling research…