Public announcement
The “Guarantors of EQIPD” officially announced their launch with a public press release. The society is registered since December 2021 and became fully operational now.
The “Guarantors of EQIPD” officially announced their launch with a public press release. The society is registered since December 2021 and became fully operational now.
Hot of the press and we are excited: The EQIPD framework for rigor in the design, conduct, analysis, and documentation of animal experiments. It defines the demands for five domains researchers should be aware of and the needs for them in research design and publications.
Check out the updates on the outcome of the Alzheimer systematic review, the EQIPD brainstorming session at ECNP, and more in the newest version of our newsletter! Read the Newsletter here.
Our book on quality in preclinical research, including many articles from authors within the EQIPD consortium, has just been published: Bespalov A, Michel MC, Steckler T (eds) Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology – Good Research Practice in Non-Clinical Pharmacology and Biomedicine, Springer Open, Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-030-33655-4, eBook ISBN 978-3-030-33656-1 (2020). Access the book HERE.
The EQIPD Quality System is the result of a collaborative effort between several people and organizations, yet cannot specifically address all potential scenarios under which research rigor measures are needed and will be implemented. The foundation laid by EQIPD is formulated in the “core requirements” (see link below) and we welcome further efforts to support…
Have you been scorched by this year’s summer heat all over Europe already? Here are more hot summer-news from the EQIPD project: Find out more about the flaming-fresh series of 9 “EQIPD video blasts’’, our next Summer School, the EQIPD session at the annual ECNP Congress, and about the kick-off of implementing the new Quality…
The EQIPD project was highlighted in a recent publication by DDNews and will be featured at this year’s ECNP ‘campfire sessions’, the ‘Handbook on Good Research Practice in Non-Clinical Pharmacology and Biomedicine’ about quality in preclinical research has just been published, and the Global Preclinical Data Forum (GPDF) is giving out an award on the…